The below is the focus for the first twelve months of this plan, as we seek to drive the city’s economy forward, better articulate why Brighton & Hove is a place to invest and celebrate our city, whilst building greater wealth for our communities.

There is much positive activity already taking place that needs to be supported to continue delivering for our residents and businesses and to work towards the development of a fairer, greener and more productive economy.

As such, these actions are centred on activities that can have positive, tangible, and immediate impacts on the prosperity of our businesses and communities today, whilst not losing sight of the ambitions set out in the accompanying Plan for growth.

This is our immediate work programme and focus:




Delivery Partner(s)

Target Outcome(s)

Resourcing / Funding

Mission(s) Alignment

Evolve a new Business Growth Board from existing business partnerships

By December 2024

BHCC Economic Development

Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership; Brighton Chamber of Commerce; Federation of Small Businesses

A fully representative business voice embedded in local strategic economic planning in line with post-LEP guidance

Existing BHCC funding, supplemented by LEP legacy funding as required

Cross-cutting across all missions

Design and undertake a survey of city businesses which includes a focus on minoritised business owners

January 2025

BIPC Sussex

BHCC Economic Development; BHCC Equalities; Key business networks

A clearer understanding of the different challenges faced by businesses and business owners in the city

Existing BHCC funding

Cross-cutting across all missions

Develop the ‘Digital City’ concept and programme

March 2025

Brighton Tech Cluster

BHCC Economic Development; Brighton Chamber of Commerce; Silicon Brighton; Brighton AI; Barclays Eagle Labs; Sussex Innovation; BHCC Employment & Skills; Brighton MET; Creative Process; Digital Brighton & Hove

Creation of an overarching programme of digital skills, jobs and growth led by businesses

External funding to be sought for specific elements as programme is developed

Capitalise on our digital comparative advantage

Embed the new Brighton & Hove Growth Hub within the existing BIPC (and in line with the BIPC’s growth strategy)

September 2024

BHCC Economic Development

BIPC Sussex

New support programmes and Growth Accelerator developed to help businesses to scale and grow

LEP Growth Hub funding (subject to agreements)

Build new knowledge partnerships to benefit all of our communities and Capitalise on our digital comparative advantage

Ensuring the City Management Board evolves and continues to be fully representative of the city’s growing and evolving economy

March 2025

BHCC Policy & Communications

BHCC Economic Development; BHCC Employment & Skills; BHCC Net Zero

Establishing clear linkages between the City Management Board and the new Business Growth Board to deliver on our priorities

Existing BHCC funding

Build community involvement as a response to poverty and economic inequality

Maintain and develop the Brighton & Hove Living Wage campaign to support local residents to be paid a living wage


Brighton Chamber of Commerce

BHCC Economic Development

At least 25 businesses signed up to Living Wage campaign each quarter

Existing BHCC funding

Build community involvement as a response to poverty and economic inequality

Build on existing food and circular economy activity to seek to decrease food poverty and provide opportunities for local people to engage with the city’s climate response

March 2025

BHCC Circular Economy Oversight Board and BHCC Food Insecurity Group

BHCC Economic Development; BHCC Net Zero; Brighton & Hove Food Partnership; BHCC Anti-Poverty Steering Group; Third Sector Commission

Increased collaboration, business activity in neighbourhoods and wealth retained in local neighbourhoods

Existing funding secured through CVS and cost-of-living related work

Build community involvement as a response to poverty and economic inequality

Embed the Circular Economy Action Plan and community wealth-building principles across the city and within emerging high impact decarbonisation projects

December 2024

BHCC Economic Development

BHCC Regeneration; BHCC Net Zero

Establish Brighton & Hove as a leader in embedding principles of the circular economy and community wealth within major regeneration initiatives

TBC – project dependent

Decarbonise and create a more regenerative economy

Support and advocate for the Greater Brighton Net Zero Energy Mission

March 2025

Greater Brighton Economic Board

BHCC Net Zero; BHCC Economic Development

Greater Brighton to be self-reliant on renewable energy generated within the region by 2045

Initial scoping funding from GBEB

Decarbonise and create a more regenerative economy and

Thrive within a city region with a clear economic identity

Develop and publish a new City Employment & Skills Plan (CESP)

January 2025

BHCC Employment & Skills

City Employment & Skills Steering Group

A plan that responds to local employment and skills priorities

Existing BHCC funding

Build a stronger and more inclusive labour market

Create a network of City Business Ambassadors linked to the Business Growth Board

March 2025

New Business Growth Board

BHCC Economic Development

A network of passionate advocates for our city and its economy

Funding requirements to be agreed as network develops

Celebrate our city and welcome investment

Develop a new inward investment programme           

March 2025

BHCC Economic Development

New Business Growth Board

Outline a programme of targeted activity to attract investment, including marketing and comms

Funding to be allocated from LEP transition / legacy funding as available           

Celebrate our city and welcome investment

Development of a business prospectus to promote the city to potential investors and business occupiers

March 2025

BHCC Economic Development

New Business Growth Board

New prospectus created as a marketing tool to support delivery of the inward investment programme

Existing BHCC funding

Celebrate our city and welcome investment

Explore the potential to expand our Business Improvement District (to include sectoral focus – such as Accommodation and Creative Industries)

Feasibility completed by March 2025

Brilliant Brighton BID

BHCC Economic Development; BHCC Revenues & Benefits; Visit Brighton

A robust study that outlines the optimum option for an expanded BID / ABID offering in the city

Existing BHCC funding, combined with BID reserves

Celebrate our city and welcome investment; and

A world-leading creative destination worthy of the UK’s best small city

Establish a new Creative Destination National Stakeholder Board

March 2025

BHCC Culture, Tourism and Sport

UK Sport, Sport England, Arts Council England, BFI, Music Venues Trust, DCMS, LGA, VisitBritain, Creative Industries Council, Heritage Lottery Fund, Historic England

Development of a robust stakeholder advisory group to oversee development of a Creative Destination Plan and inform its distinctiveness, trends and ambitions

Existing BHCC funding

A world-leading creative destination worthy of the UK’s best small city

Development of a 10-year Creative Destination Plan that celebrates and promotes the city as a creative destination

Plan developed by March 2025 – implementation commencing in 2025/26

BHCC Culture, Tourism and Sport

UK Sport, Sport England, Arts Council England, BFI, Music Venues Trust, DCMS, LGA, VisitBritain, Creative Industries Council, Heritage Lottery Fund, Historic England

A Plan that evolves perceptions, innovating and protecting core visitor, seafront, leisure, sport, green spaces, heritage and creative & cultural assets

Existing BHCC funding

A world-leading creative destination worthy of the UK’s best small city

Contribute to the development of the Sussex Strategy for Growth as a lead partner in the Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP)

October 2024

BHCC Culture, Tourism and Sport

VisitBrighton LVEP (comprising BHCC, ESCC, WSCC, regional Destination Management Organisations, private and public visitor economy stakeholders)

A strategy that sets ambitious targets for growth for first time and returning domestic and international visitors

Development of the strategy funded by the LVEP

A world-leading creative destination worthy of the UK’s best small city

Explore the development of new protocols (including Civic Universities Agreements)

March 2025

BHCC Economic Development

University of Sussex; University of Brighton; New Business Growth Board; Brighton Chamber of Commerce; Federation of Small Businesses

Develop areas of immediate agreement, alongside protocols that link council, universities and businesses, and that enables knowledge exchange linked to specific sectors and economic growth / diversification

Existing BHCC funding (officer time). Specific funding asks to be considered as appropriate as the protocols are developed

Build new knowledge partnerships to benefit all of our communities

Scope new model of devolution that demonstrates a shared agenda and a single economic narrative

March 2025

BHCC Economic Development; BHCC Policy & Communications

Greater Brighton Economic Board

The completion of exploratory work to inform Government discussions over future devolution

Existing GBEB funding

Thrive within a city region with a clear economic identity

Seek to develop areas of shared identity and process across the city region in line with the inward investment programme

March 2025

BHCC Economic Development

Greater Brighton Economic Board

A cohesive external offer to attract investment into the city region

Existing BHCC and GBEB funding

Celebrate our city and welcome investment and

Thrive within a city region with a clear economic identity




The remaining ‘Areas of Activity’ set out in the Economic Plan are ambitions to support the continued growth of the city’s economy, as well as aiding the transition to a new economy that helps to address existing structural issues within Brighton & Hove. These broad areas will be further refined through annual reviews of the action plan, agreed and assigned to key delivery partners, and undertaken as resources allow over the lifetime of this plan.